Thursday, December 30, 2004

Meditations on Childhood, Adulthood and what happens in between.

Childhood is about unquestioning trust; the road to maturity is all about hurling rocks at that unshakable confidence and realising that you really can trust no one. Everyone is going to fail you, because everyone is essentially selfish. We easily recognise selfishness in a child, a baby is one of the most openly selfish things. But we don't stop being selfish when we become adults, we just get really good at hiding it behind layers and layers of motives. I've discovered, much to my disgust, that none of my motives are ever 100% pure, and the so-called "bad" motives are so closely intertwined with the so-called altruistic ones that it is impossible to separate the two. This process of learning that you can trust no one is sometimes called independence. But the sad fact is, the person I trust the least is myself, because I know myself so well, and I know that I can't be counted on. So who does that leave me with?

You. Thank you.


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